Unsourced / Branding + digital product

Add primary sources to
science and medical

Make articles more accountable

Media Standards Trust is a charity that develops digital tools for transparency and accountability of the press.

Unsourced uses data from Journalisted.com – a LinkedIn for journalists and another MST product – to intelligently identify missing primary sources from news articles, such as science or medical journals. The website encourages users to find these primary sources and add them.

The Unsourced browser extension warns and informs users of unsourced articles on a news website – allowing the reader to establish its credibility, or otherwise, of what they are reading.

Doublesided created the brand identity, website design and warning labels for Chrome and Firefox browser extensions.
Creative direction
Web design
Frontend CSS

Highlight key details to find a source

The article page highlights researchers’ names for visitors to find and add additional sources. Users can enter a press release or paper then mark this as ‘sourced’ in the right panel.

Browser extension warns readers on news sites

An article can be marked as ‘misleading, dishonest or toxic’ after reading and finding no sources. We created a set of warning labels which appear when browsing popular news websites (providing the browser extension is installed).


The Breakdown by Day page displays the number of science and medical articles published daily, and the percentage of attributions to the original source. By inviting users to find unsourced articles, this gamifies the effort and encourages completionists to reach 100% each day.
“We were so happy with Double Sided that we have offered them every subsequent piece of web design work we have commissioned.”
Martin Moore – Director
Media Standards Trust

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